Art  Zoller  Wagner
Realist Painting: About the Artist


Creative Bud

The best art doesn't arise out of a vacuum. It usually results from some sort of exchange of ideas. With this in mind, I worked at making friends with area artists when I moved to Iowa. To my surprise, the most lively and illuminating friendship was with Avery, a neighbor with lots of time on his hands because he was too young for school!

Our friendship began when Avery would come over to help me pick up walnuts, get a ride in the wheelbarrow, eat whatever was growing in the garden, or follow me around with his toy mower. I often teased him by pretending not to see him when he came to the door or by telling him make-believe stories. Over time our make-believe became more subtle and two-way. He knew to expect silliness, played along, and initiated games of his own.

One way Avery and I were compatible is that I hate to throw things away and Avery is a collector. I would save interesting odds and ends on a window sill by the door. He would drop by regularly to pickup the goodies. Once I gave him some leftover wooden stakes and tempera paint. Avery is "hidalgo"; he dreamed up a new use for my junk. A few weeks later, he showed me his creation, a wonderful installation of brightly painted stakes driven into the ground in a complex pattern. Way to go, Avery!

Brennan with his installation

   stakes & tempera paint

Avery loves to climb trees and ladders and swing on ropes. Without his influence, I would never have thought of using a swing in my paintings. Being friends with Avery taught me that if I want to remain fresh, to maintain my inventiveness and spontaneity, it helps to have contact with people of a wide range of ages and interests. Collaboration can happen where you least expect it.

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for college students & adults

About the Artist: On Art-making and Artist-making

About the Artist: Introductions   Art Zoller Wagner as painter, teacher, learner

Growing Up with Art  influences on my art, artists in the family

Ser hidalgo  on having time to daydream

Creative Bud  a playful friendship sparks imagination

Visual Arts Workshops & Classes  for college students & adults

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About the Artist

Artist's Statement


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